Discover a World of Wellness at Dr Bala's

Explore our comprehensive range of holistic health services.

About Dr. Bala

MBBS, Diplomate of the American Board of Sexology (Sexology), Fellow of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine (FECSM)

Dr. Bala Ram Babu Sanka, holding an MBBS degree, is a distinguished expert from India, specializing in the field of human sexual health. He received comprehensive education at the renowned Oxford University in the United Kingdom. He is also a Diplomate of the American Board in Clinical Studies of Human Intimacy. Dr. BR further advanced his expertise as an HIV Medicine Post-Doctoral Fellow. His unique focus lies in enhancing and addressing matters concerning human well-being.

What We Treat?


Infertility is a condition in which a couple is unable to conceive children despite having frequent sexual relations. Consult the best doctor in Hyderabad if you’re suffering from Infertility.


Vaginismus is a condition in which the vaginal muscles contract involuntarily when trying to have a sexual relationship. The pelvic floor muscles that surround the vaginal. 

Erectile Dysfunction

Diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, or a hormonal imbalance in men can all cause erectile dysfunction. Consult one of our andrologists in Hyderabad right now.

Premature Ejaculation

Is it possible that your ejaculation is taking place too quickly? With our graded therapy method for Premature Ejaculation Treatment and our sexology physicians, 

Other Treatments


Dyspareunia is a disorder that causes chronic and repeated discomfort right before, during, or after intercourse. Consult our best sexologist team today!!

No-Intimate Marriage

Stuck in a no intimate marriage? Marriage isn’t always the lilac bush as it appears to be. Assist you or your companion in getting through these difficult moments.

Sex Therapy

Sex therapy is a subset of psychotherapy, which is a broad word for talking with a mental health expert to address mental health issues. You can address problems regarding sexual

Book an Appointment & You’re Done!

We are aware of our patient’s circumstances and any emotional trauma they may have experienced. We are aware of their circumstances and are dedicated to ensuring the safety and security.

Make Your Personal Life Better With Our Best Andrologist in Hyderabad

Why Choose Dr.Bala's Clinic

Holistic Approach

At Dr Bala’s, we believe in a holistic approach to health. Dr Bala and his team are committed to understanding your unique concerns and designing personalised treatment plans tailored to your needs.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

Our clinic has cutting-edge technology and advanced medical equipment, ensuring you receive the best care in a modern and comfortable environment.

Comprehensive Services

From common sexual health issues such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and low libido to advanced treatments like hormone therapy and counselling, Dr Bala and his team cover a comprehensive range of services.

Trusted Expertise

Dr Bala’s expertise is well-recognized in the medical community, and he stays up-to-date with the latest advancements to offer you the most effective and evidence-based treatments.

Patient-Centred Care

We prioritise patient satisfaction and comfort above all else. Our friendly and compassionate staff are here to ensure that your experience at Dr Bala’s Clinic is pleasant and stress-free.


Patient Consultation


Office locations


Degree Medical Support


Our client satisfaction rate


What Our Patients says

We consulted this first time Dr understood the problem deeply in the very first, We told everything about past that troubled. He listened the issue patiently. we are so happy after the results, I Strongly recommend this Dr.
S Jasmine
Came here with lots of problems . Doctor examined me and . After using them a month of time , I recovered 100% and felt very happy now . Very thankful to doctor for his patience and politeness. Tq bala sir

Richards Varma
I am feeling good now all the staff co operative, dr balaram Babu sir is very good with me ,all the problems he listens and gives treatment

Parvathamma Adike
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+91- 9052433109

Land Mark: Behind Remedy Hospital KPHB Road No. 4, Hyderabad

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